Contact the People's Potato

Contact us: 514-848-2424 x7590 email:

Address: 1455 de Maisonneuve west, H-733, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Tired of green-washed capitalism, frustrated with rhetoric around sustainable consumerism, and bored with documentaries that only talk about Monsanto, "Put Your Politics Where Your Mouth Is!" aims to radicalize the politics around what ends up on your plate (and what gets left behind.) What are the links between food and environmental and social justice? How is food implicated in capitalism, colonialism, white supremacy and the gendered division of labour? What is food sovereignty, and what does it look like? How will we shut down capitalist food production for good?

Join the Midnight Kitchen and People's Potato for a week of workshops, discussions and speakers to fill your hearts, minds and bellies. (MK and the Potato also serve by-donation, vegan lunches every day of the week!)

Come 'round the kitchen table and put your politics where your mouth is!


MONDAY, March 15 at 7pm
Arts Building, Room 145, 853 Sherbrooke Ouest, McGill University
Lecture: "Food Politics: The Big Picture", presented by Prof. Satoshi Ikeda
This lecture presents an introduction to the global picture of food politics -- it's more just about food. Satoshi Ikeda teaches Globalization and The Political Economy of Food in the Sociology/Anthropology department at Concordia.

TUESDAY, March 16 at 2:30pm
Meet at Midnight Kitchen, Room 304, 3480 McTavish, McGill
Tour: Radical Food Walking Tour
This walking tour will examine the privatization of food provision at McGill University over the past decade, as well as student initiatives to create autonomous, local and accessible food choices on campus. Hosted by Maggie Schreiner.

TUESDAY, March 16 at 5pm
Midnight Kitchen, McGill
Workshop: Indoor Gardening
Come learn about the basics of growing food and herbs in your own home. We will be talking about soil composition, light, water and how to work with our very seasonal city. We will also be making soil and starting seedlings. Bring a container to take one home with you! Hosted by Campus Crops.

WEDNESDAY, March 17 at 2:30pm
Midnight Kitchen, McGill
Workshop: Fermentation
Fermentation! It's awesome and tasty. Come and make sauerkraut and coconut chutney, and talk about why fermentation is so cool. Hosted by Catherine Huston.

WEDNESDAY, March 17 at 5:30pm
Room 302, 3480 McTavish, McGill
Discussion: The Midnight Kitchen Collective Speaks
A panel presentation and discussion from members of the Midnight Kitchen collective. Ever wondered what MK is about behind its (delicious) lunches? This event brings an anti-oppression framework to food politics, and highlights how food is implicated in topics as wide-ranging as fair trade labelling, feminism, class and collective health.

THURSDAY, March 18 at 4pm
QPIRG McGIll, 3647 University, McGill
Workshop: Food and the Military
A joint presentation by Demilitarize McGill and MK, this workshop examines the way in which military occupations and wars affect food systems and food sovereignty, especially in the context of neo-colonialism.

THURSDAY, March 18 at 5pm
2110 Centre for Gender Advocacy, 2110 Mackay, Concordia University
Film: "Pas de Pays sans Paysan" (en français)
Ce documentaire adopte le point de vue de cultivateurs et d'éleveurs qui dénoncent les dégâts que cause l'agriculture industrielle. Pensons ici à la pollution et à la destruction des écosystèmes, sans compter la prolifération de cultures d'OGM, qui fait peser une menace additionnelle sur la biodiversité et l'autonomie des paysans. En Europe comme en Amérique, des paysans proposent une autre vision de l'agriculture et mettent en oeuvre des pratiques soucieuses de l'environnement et de la pérennité de l'agriculture.

FRIDAY, March 19 at 1:30pm
School of Community and Public Affairs, Basement, 2149 Mackay, Concordia
Conférence: "Néocolonialisme dans l'agroalimentaire au Québec", avec Marco Silvestro (en français)
Le Québec, bien que faisant partie du "premier monde", est assujetti aux logiques néocoloniales des multinationales agro-alimentaire. Qui détient le pouvoir et comment est-il exercé? Quelles sont les dynamiques de la production et de la distribution agroalimentaire? Cette conférence montrera qu'au Québec les agriculteurs sont le maillon faible d'une chaîne agroalimentaire mondiale dirigée par la recherche du profit et non pas par le désir de nourrir la population. Marco Silvestro détient un doctorat de sociologie de l'UQAM. Sa thèse portait sur la lutte de l'Union paysanne pour réformer en profondeur le régime agricole québécois. Ancien militant de l'Union paysanne, Marco Silvestro est actuellement membre du collectif La Pointe libertaire de Pointe-Saint-Charles.

FRIDAY, March 19 at 4pm
QPIRG McGill, 3647 University, McGill
Workshop: Food Production and Migrant Justice
A workshop exploring the links between food production and migrant justice. Hosted by Amanda Dorter from Le Frigo Vert.


For more info about the Midnight Kitchen and the People's Potato, visit our blogs:

Interested in radical environmental justice? Check out the Study in Action conference on March 12-14: